22 October 2008

here's where the story...BEGINS.

we got an amazing message in our myspace inbox a few days ago.  [not to sound self-important or egotistical, but] it validates how we feel about our music. it's essential to us--as artists--to know that what we do [if however small] affects other people.  thank you again, sandy.  :)

i've been immersing myself in girgus/arzy, gavurin/wheeler, morrissey/marr, hewson/evans, fraser/guthrie, mcculloch/sergeant & brown/squire for the past week or so.  they've definitely been influencing my compositions/how i've been recording the latest demos.  a good thing, for sure.  

also heavy on the [iPod] rotation : blueboy, the school, the hit parade, the field mice, my bloody valentine, the jesus & mary chain, david bowie, birdie, a girl called eddy, math & physics club, the snow fairies, another sunny day, burt bacharach, brighter/harper lee, & the chamber strings.

since taylor's been in san francisco, it's been impossible to have finished demos.  you haven't heard new music from us lately, but that doesn't mean that we haven't been busy.  on the contrary, i've been writing & recording roughs by myself on the trusty [8] eight track.  

when she comes home for the holidaze we will resume normal band activity--and new music will be had by all!  hehe. i've also recently upgraded to a [16] sixteen track recorder, which has yet to see some action.  i'm still a little intimidated, but i'll soon jump that hurdle once i've read the incredibly thick operations manual.  though i hear there's an easier to follow instructional dvd in existence...